The Nadia Malik Mystery: Hidden in plain sight

The first thing you wonder is, "How could something like this happen." The answer, unfortunately, is easier than you might think.

Nadia Malik had been missing for 11 days. She was known to be driving a black Nissan Altima.

Yesterday her body was found inside that same vehicle as it sat on a Philly street near 30th Street Station. It was adorned with several parking tickets.

An inspection of the tickets indicate several of them were issued to the car in other locations in the city. At least one of them was issued for it at the 30th Street location, which is near Market, behind the IRS building.

The car had been covered with snow, and it also has dark tinted windows, making it difficult to see inside.

Malik's body was found lying in the reclined passenger seat, with a diffel bag over her head.

Now the mystery of Nadia Malik shifts to how the Broomall mother died.

Rose Quinn provides the details of the investigation so far.

Nadia Malik was the mother of two.

It's just incredibly sad.
