Why your local newspaper - and website - still matters

These days it's pretty fashionable to say journalism - especially the kind practiced at the local level - doesn't really matter.

People say the quaint notion of printing ink on paper is a relic of the past, and those of us who proudly still declare ourselves ink-stained wretches are branded as dinosaurs.

Consider me a proud one.

Yes, we now deliver content on a wide variety of platgorms: social media, online, video and, yes, print. What has not changed is our essential role, maybe more important now than ever. Before start throwing dirt on the grave of your local newspaper, you might want to check in with the good people out in Aston.

They might have a different view of the importance of the core role of local journalism, acting as a watchdog and keeping an eye on local government.

I use my print column today to explain.
