Fifteen minutes until the polls open.
Try to contain yourself.
Better yet, why not take part in our live coverage.
We will be hosting a live chat on the Primary Election all day.
And we want you to take part in our coverage. You can join our coverage simply by using the hashtag #delcovote.
If you are voting today - and we certainly hope you are - let us know how many people have voted at your polling place. Snap a picture and post it as well.
Sure, there aren't very many contested races here in Delaware County. Most of the headlines are being reserved for the Democrats seeking the nomination to challenge Gov. Tom Corbett in the fall.
That doesn't mean you shouldn't exercise your franchise. And it doesn't mean we're ignoring this important story either.
But we are doing things just a little different these days. We want you to be part of our coverage. You can be our eyes and ears in the community.
Tell us what you see. Sound off about how you voted. Take a picture or a video.
Then post your comments on Twitter with the #delcovote hashtag and we'll make it part of our Election Day coverage.
Now it's time to vote - and then blog about it on