Celebrity Birthdays are back

Attention all you fans of Celebrity Birthdays!

They're back!

We heard your complaints loud and clear, and we've made a change to get the Celebrity Birthdays back into the newspaper. The problem occurred in our recent redesign of the print edition. We were allotting less space to our Today in History feature. The Celebrity Birthdays used to appear at the bottom of that column every day. As it turned out, in the redesign, they ended up on the cutting room floor.

Readers let us know they wanted them back.

As it turns out, their return was made possible by another change.

You may have noticed over the past couple of days, the Know It All column has not appeared. That is not because we did not want to run it. The man who wrote the column has been dropped by his syndicate and the column is no longer being offered.

So we decided to make the best of a bad opportunity We've added a Trivia column and we're now running the Celebrity Birthdays every day as well.

They both appear every day on the same page as the Dear Abby column and the horoscopes.

Never let it be said we do not listen to our readers.

Now, if I could just figure out a way to make that type look a little darker.

Yes, I've heard that complaint as well.

I'm working on it.
