No thanks for this weather

Here's something else NOT to be thankful for this year.

TV Weather.

In case you were blissfully preparing tomorrow's feast and have not yet turned on the TV, there is nothing else happening today but the weather. And its possible effect on the busiest travel day of the year.

Of course, right now it's only raining. But it's what's coming that has our TV friends hyperventilating.

Yes, we stand a chance of seeing a coating of snow.

It is not going to paralyze the region.

But it will not stop all-day frenzy whipped up on your local TV station. Reporters have already been dispatched to the western suburbs to talk to people in the rain. Go figure.

Here's what most of the forecasters expect.

It will continue raining this morning, and gradually turn over to snow. Around here the ground might get a coating, streets likely will remain just wet or a tad slushy.

Of course, that could be different if you live in the infamous "northern and western suburbs." Just where those are, however, is a bit cloudy. When exactly did the Poconos become "suburbs." They are going to get snow up there. I'm sure the ski resort operators are thrilled.

At some point this morning the rain is expected to change over to snow. At the top end we're looking at 2-4 inches. A Winter Weather Advisory goes into effect at 9 a.m.

Don't panic, this is not a major storm.

The roads are going to be packed anyhow, so make sure you pack your patience.

The airport and trains will be mobbed, but then you knew that was going to be the cast before the forecast took a turn for the worse.

Here's how Accuweather sees the day playing out. Want to be thankful? Hey, we don't live in Buffalo.
