The readers respond

It's always nice to know that what you write strikes a chord with readers. That's one of the reasons most of us got into this racket.

Usually, when someone says they have read something I've written I respond with a quip: Oh, YOU'RE the one.

Of course, not everyone always likes what you've written, nor cares for your opinion.

That is what happened in the wake of my Monday 'Letter From the Editor' column.

I used the occasion to talk about freedom, intertwined with grace, in particular when it comes to the president.

I pretty much knew what to expect. I wasn't disappointed.

Several of the conservative commenters who post on our website every day took me to task. I kind of expected that.

But I also received a lengthy voicemail from a man who was more than a little upset with what I had written.

I got a clue as to where he was coming from when he said he was "sickened" by my column.

He went on to take me to task for not remaining impartial in terms of my feelings for the president.

That's the reason it is clearly labeled as a column. It's my opinion. It is not part of our news report, in which we strive to stay in the middle.

He went on to list a litany of Democratic transgressions that he believes we have ignored.

He urged me to stay in the middle, or at the very least point out the problems from both political parties.

"A man in your position should remain neutral when it comes to the president," he said, quickly referring to me as an Obama apologist.

Just another day here in Primos.
