And the readers respond

I'm always interested in what readers have to say about what I write.

Sometimes I guess I should be careful what I ask for.

In my weekly print column yesterday I talked about me feelings after going to see the movie "Spotlight." It's a tough movie to watch, both as a Catholic and a journalist.

So of course I wondered if anyone would post a comment on it, in particular my belief that the movie is a warning of what we might be losing in the journalism field.

Of course our faithful readers did not let me down.

"How bout putting a spotlight on radical Islamic terrorism," said Daisydukes333, who very likely is one of our most ardent, conservative commentators. She never fails to post on our editorials and other opinions, and usually engages in a lively debate with those who disagree.

She was not the only one to take this tack.

Another person who is no stranger to our commenting boards, DelcoPops, also chimed in: Maybe someday they'll make a movie about a slanted newspaper editor who tried to bury both the Gosnell story and the Planned Parenthood-sells-body-parts story."

Some days I think I'd be better off just pulling the covers up over my head and staying in bed.
