It's a Christmas shopping marathon at Kohl's

Somehow I am going to have to keep this news from my wife.

I probably should explain. My wife is a professional shopper. And, if I don't say so myself, she's damn good at it. (She shopped around and found me, didn't she? I think she lost the receipt, she hasn't returned me yet.)

I really think she missed her calling. She should have been a professional assistant. When it comes to shopping, style and decorating, this woman has no equal.

All of which is a prelude to the fact that one of her favorite haunts, Kohl's, is in the news today.

That is because they opened their doors this morning at 7 a.m., just a few minutes ago? Yeah, so what's the big deal, lots of stores are offering expanded hours during the holidays.

Uh, not like this.

Kohl's will not close until 6 p.m. Christmas Eve.

That is correct. They will be open around the clock for a full week. That's 170 straight hours. Last year they did something similar, but were only open for 100 straight hours. Lightweights.

Kohl's has an ingenious way of luring you back into their stores with a barrage of sales, coupons and money-back "shopping bucks" offers. Their cashiers remind you every time you check out how much money you saved.

Of course, I am struck by the fact that they no doubt are still making money even while offering all these discounts.

I think my wife should just have our mail delivered to Kohl's. At least I know where to find her.
