It's all about the Donald

It's all about the Donald.

And I am guessing that is exactly the way Donald Trump likes it.

After another strong Super Tuesday showing, many people - including many Republicans - are wondering if there is a way to derail the Donald Express.

I am thinking Republicans who are having second thoughts about having the real estate mogul-reality TV star at the top of their ticket waited too long and now are discovering there is little they can do to stop Trump from capturing the GOP nomination.

Here is a story that looks at some of the wailing and gnashing of teeth going in national Republican circles concerning how to handle the Donald.

There is talk about some mind of effort to keep him from getting the necessary 1,237 delegates needed to capture the nomination. There is also a bit of a groundswell for a third-party candidate should Trump be the standard bearer. Some people even believe a Trump candidacy could cause the party to implode, fracturing into pro- and anti-Trump camps.

Mitt Romney is about to go public to trash Trump as Republicans mull their options.

Locally, we went to the county Republican Chairman Andy Reilly and asked him about his support. Reilly indicated the county party will follow its charter and support the winner of the Pennsylvania Primary on April 26.

Veteran political columnist Terry Madonna has some thoughts on the tricky predicament Republicans now find themselves in.

Give Trump this. For years people have lamented dismal voter turnouts. Not when it comes to Trump. His presence on the ballot is pushing record numbers of people to the polls.

My only regret it's not the Republicans, instead of Democrats, that will convene here for their convention.

Trump clearly has tapped into something bothering a lot of Americans. Whether or not that's a good thing- or something that should be the deciding factor in electing the next president - is probably the most important factor the country today.
