A silver lining to train tragedy

We used our editorial page today to talk about the tragedy that took place on the Amtrak tracks in Chester Sunday.

Investigators seem to be zeroing in on some kind of communication error. One thing is certain, either the locomotive or the backhoe it slammed into were not supposed to be on that track. Instead, they both wound up in the same path, and tragedy ensued.

But even in tragedy, there was a silver lining.

That would be the efforts of a local church to open their hearts to those shaken passengers who departed the Amtrak train, and hiked about 300 yards through the woods, a creek and muddy grounds to arrive at their place of worship.

Once again, in the worst of circumstances, Delaware County residents opened their hearts to people in need.

A huge thumb's up to the good folks at Trainer United Methodist church.

You can read the editorial here.
