Join our coverage of Primary Day - use hashtag #vote2016

On our editorial page today, we have discovered something about Donald Trump for which we are more than willing to give the brash one credit.

No one can say we are going to sleepwalk through this primary.

Say what you will about him, but Trump has energized voters - both pro and con - and is driving people to the polls in record numbers. Read our editorial here.

Turnout could go as high as 50 percent in some places. As you might guess, Republicans numbers, with the sizzling debate surrounding Trump at the head of the ticket, is leading the charge.

Now we want you to join our primary day coverage.

Tell us what is driving you to vote. Describe the scene at your polling place. Are you standing in a long line? Take photos. Email any tips to me at

And push your tweets into our live blog by using the hashtag #vote2016.

You can follow our live blog here.
