Finding the Delco connection

One of the challenges of covering a big regional/national event such as the Democratic National Convention that is taking place just a few miles away at the Wells Fargo Center in the South Philly sports complex is not losing sight of our mission - covering Delaware County.

That's why we always look for the local angle as we cover these major stories.

Yesterday we noted that a couple of well-known Delco guys, Rocco Polidoro and Bob Dimond, were part of the color guard the opened the convention.

Today, staff writer Kathleen Carey profiles a Lansdowne man was taking part in a protest to counter a showing by a group from the Westboro Baptist Church.

Always count on us to find the Delco connection.

We still bring you the headlines - Hillary crashing through the glass ceiling and becoming the first woman ever nominated for president by a major political party; former President Bill Clinton singing her praises; and the continuing acrimony and sore feelings being voiced by several Bernie Sanders backers, but the truth is we'll always put Delco first.

That is one of the reasons the lead on today's front page is tied to a murder in Upper Darby.

I realize a lot of people likely will disagree with that decision, but it's one I'm willing to stand by. If you disagree, let me know. I can take it. I assure you that you will not be the fist to tell me I don't have a clue.
