A fine whine

Call it a fine whine.

Or an editor's lament.

I used my print column today to throw a little cold water on the celebration marking the arrival of wine in some local supermarkets. Yes, it's a big step for Pennsylvania.

But it's still not all that convenient.

If you've been buying beer in the supermarket, you know what I mean. You have to visit a separate part of the store and pay for the beer there. You can't simply pop it into your cart and pay for it along with the rest of your groceries.

So, while you're not doing it in your car, you are still making an additional trip.

Me? I'm with Sen. Tom Killion. The Republican visited a local winery last week to note another part of the new law that is updating sales of alcohol in Pennsylvania. While at Grace Winery out in Glen Mills to mark one of the first shipments of wine to a consumer's home - something you could not do in Pa. before this change - Killion noted he's still in favor of privatization, getting the state out of the booze business.

I'll raise a glass to that.

You can read my column here.
