A gold medal effort from 2 women who conquered Pacific

We used our editorial page today to pay homage to some outstanding athletes.

Yes, we just completed the Summer Olympics, and the efforts of Simone Biles, Michael Phelps and the rest of the U.S. team, along with Usain Bolt, were stuff of the ages.

But they're not who we are talking about.

Instead we decided to focus on what Vicki Otmani, of Media, and her friend Megan Biging accomplished.

They recently crossed the Pacific Ocean.

In a boat.

Powered by their own rowing.

Think about that for a minute.

Two women alone in a boat, crossing the Pacific Ocean.

Simply put, we're in awe.

Not only did the duo cover the 2,400 miles from Monterey, Calif., to Hawaii, they did it in record time of 57 days, 13 hours and 30 minutes.

They may not have been in Rio, but they're gold medalists in our book. You can read the editorial here.
