Dave White's wedding surprise

Last week I posted a message on the Facebook page of Delaware County Councilman Dave White.

I noticed that his daughter was getting married on Saturday.

I told him to enjoy the day. Having gone through it myself, I can tell you that being the Father of the Bride was one of the best days of my life.

White apparently wasn't taking any chance.

He had a little surprise cooked up for his daughter as Lisa White tied the knot with Paul Getz.

White somehow managed to get country superstar Tim McGraw to perform as his daughter and her new husband took their first dance. McGraw sat in with Jellyroll for several songs at the reception at Vie downtown.

The McGraw family has some Delco connections. Tim's father, Tug, the late, great Phillies relief pitcher, lived here in Delco for years when he was with the Phils.

White managed to keep his surprise a secret, no one at the reception knew it was coming but him.

My daughter refused to reveal what song she had selected for our dance. I was all smiles when she was awaiting me on the dance floor as the first notes of Frank Sinatra's 'Summer Wind' emanated from the sound system. She knows I'm a huge Sinatra fan.

But having Tim McGraw sing 'My Little Girl' as you and your daughter hit the dance floor?

Well done, Dave. Well done.
