Don't fall victim to IRS scam

It's an old scam, but it's back again with a vengeance.

As usual, the targets are senior citizens. This time they aren't getting a knock on the door by someone looking to distract them while a co-conspirator rummages through the house. Nor are the being fleeced by shady contractors looking to rip them off for home repairs such as a new roof or coating the driveway.

In this instance, all they have to do is pick up the phone.

That's when, according to this canard, they encounter a stern voice informing them they are with the IRS and there is a problem with their account.

A recently received a phone call from a perplexed reader who wanted to make sure people - especially senior citizens - are aware of this crank call, and the fact that the IRS NEVER reaches out to you by phone.

She said her mother received not just one call, but several, each one ratcheting up the pressure to divulge details about her account. Luckily, the woman arrived at her mom's house just as she was preparing to hand over important information, such as a Social Security number.

If you get one of these calls, simply hang up. Better yet, inform the caller that you are contacting police about their unscrupulous tactics.

You can also file a complaint with the Treasury through this web page.

Don't be a victim. Let's make sure none of our loved ones falls victim to these shady characters. Pass the word.
