More on the Greatest Generation

I used my Monday column to revisit something I put here in the blog last week. That would be our parents, and the notion of the Greatest Generation.

I was thinking about it because Thursday would have been my mother's 102nd birthday. Saturday was my wife's dad's birthday. Sandwiched in between I went to a funeral for a Friday that reminded me of the importance of family.

That was paramount to my parents - and I am guessing to many of their generation.

They worked hard. And partied just as hard.

They were fiercely loyal to faith and family. They always had each other's backs.

What they lived through, survived and continued to thrive makes many of our tribulations today seem fairly trifling.

They knew real success, real heartbreak, good times and bad.

It never bent their resolve.

For those - and for many more - they were in fact the Greatest Generation.

You can read my Monday column here.
