A few words from the archbishop

It has been pointed out to me more than once that this newspaper has an inherent bias when it comes to two fairly big issues in this county.

Those would be Republicans and Catholics.

The GOP faithful have been loud and clear this week thinking that we have again crossed the line in dissecting the lewd, vulgar comments of their nominee for president Donald Trump's comments on how he treats women.

They say we dwell on Trump, but conveniently look the other way when it comes to the foibles and serious issues afflicting Hillary Clinton.

With the latest dump of Clinton aides' emails from Wikileaks, some of them contain elements that can easily be constrained as anti-Catholic.

I could talk about that a bit.

But instead, I will cede the floor to someone who knows a little more about the topic that I do.

Thus, a guest column today from Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, leader of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Yeah, I'm glad that damn Daily Times never runs anything critical of Hillary Clinton or that exposes a bias toward Catholics.
