The Daily Numbers: 2, as in Day 2 of strike by SEPTA’s city division union workers.
0 buses, trolleys, trains running inside the city limits.
5,000 union workers who walked off the job and manned picket lines.
900,000 rides a day that just disappeared from the region’s transit system.
311,000 riders a day who usually ride the Market Frankford El.
83,000 riders who use SEPTA’s trolleys.
1 hour delays on many regional rail lines leaving the city last night as SEPTA workers set up picket lines at some rail yards, preventing SEPTA crews from getting to trains.
51,600 of 130,000 public school students in the city who depend on SEPTA to get to school. Schools remained open yesterday.
68,000 dollars average annual pay of SEPTA worker, counting overtime, according go the company.
46 dollars a month, how much union members pay for their health care.
2.5 increase in cost of UberX rides in the city because of the demand.
Call me a Phanatic: A look at the ups and downs of being a Philadelphia sports fan.
A lot of Sixers fans did not get to that home game in South Philly last night because the Broad Street Subway, which ferries them there, was not running.
I Don’t Get It: Union members pay $46 a month for a very good health care package. Huh? Where do you sign up for that?
Today’s Upper: Kudos to U.S. Rep. Bob Brady, as usual the king of the labor dealmakers is on the job trying to get both sides to agree to a deal. If there is a new deal struck quickly on this standoff, you can bet Brady is in the middle of it.
Quote Box: “I’m concerned it could go on for a long time.”
- Emma Kirk, at the 69th Street Terminal in Upper Darby yesterday.