Welcome back, Jodine

One of the things I hear all the time is that our featured columnists lean heavily to the right.

It's true. No one is ever going to accuse Chris Freind or Christine Flowers of being a liberal.

Despite Republicans' belief that we still tilt overwhelmingly to the left, the fact is that we have lacked a liberal voice in our columnist position since Jodine Mayberry stepped aside when I first introduced our three new columnists to replace Gil Spencer.

Jodine had some health issues, as well as increased work duties that made producing her weekly column a little more than she wanted on her plate.

Well, I've got news: She's back.

We welcome back Jodine as the third member of her troika. Her column will appear on Page Six every Friday.

She jumps back into the fray today after attending that meeting on the Affordable Care Act in Media Wednesday night. And not surprisingly, she is wondering where U.S. Rep. Pat Meehan was. You can read her column here.

As it turns out, we also are addressing that issue on today's editorial page. Sooner or later, both Meehan and U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey are going to have to face their constituents. You can read the editorial here.
