So much for the unofficial start of summer

I guess it could have been worse.

I could have been at the beach.

Don't get me wrong, I still love the beach.

I just don't like clouds, drizzle and temperatures that struggle to reach the mid-60s.

That's correct, the unofficial start of the summer season remains just that - very unofficial.

No, the weekend was not a total washout. It did not rain constantly. It just seemed that way.

Actually, in a way it kind of reminded me of the Memorial Day weekends of my youth, when it always seemed to rain on the first big three-day weekend of the summer season.

None of that managed to stop us from trekking out to the community pool that was outside of town, and getting into the freezing water at Bicknell's Pool.

We would stop at the house before heading down to the pool and give Mrs. Bicknell a "down payment" on our summer membership. And seemingly every year on Labor Day weekend she would remind us that we still had, errr, a "balance."

Nothing would keep us from that ceremonial start of summer, and plunging into that frigid water, if only in hopes of warmer weather to come.

So no, I was happy that I was not at the beach this weekend. Everyone knows that when it's raining at the beach, that is the time you start spending money. You don't spend all that much when you're comatose in a sand chair. Add kids and rain to the mix, and you have the prescription for a very expensive afternoon.

Rehoboth will have to wait.

In a way, there is another reason why this miserable weather was not that bad a thing. It actually gives you the opportunity to remember the real reason for day.

It's not a ceremonial trip to open the pool. It's not about a day at the beach. It's not about a sale or even barbecues with the family.

It's about stories like that of Army Specialist Michael J. Smith of Springfield.

You can read our story here.
