A little lesson in democracy in Springfield

Something very special - and rare - happened recently in Springfield.

We wish it was something that happened more often in Washington, D.C., and Harrisburg.

Elected representatives actually listened carefully to residents' concerns, and then took action.

What was in question here in Springfield was a request for a zoning change for a local car dealership that was looking to renovate and expand its operation. The problem is that part of the lot in question abuts a residential neighborhood just off Baltimore Pike. Residents already were unhappy with operations there and made their feelings known to the township commissioners.

That didn't seem to make much difference, as the zoning change passed on its first reading.

But residents continued to make their points known, and were back this week to pack a meeting, again voicing their opposition. That's when something magical happened.

Commissioners changed their tune, respected their residents' desires, and voted against the zoning change.

The voted included two board members who actually changed their vote this time around from the initial vote.

You can read our editorial here.
