A key opportunity on the road to recover

The road to recovery is a long, crooked path.

Detours are not unusual.

One of the things we hear again and again from police and first responders is a frustration that, as good as Narcan is in saving those overdosing on heroin and opioids, they lament what too often happens next.

They note the lack of treatment and recovery programs.

They indicate they too often find the very same people, in the very same circumstances, once again in need of the life-saving drug that reverses the effects of an opioid overdose.

A crucial part of long-term recovery is something most of us would endorse.

The concept is simple.

It's called a second chance.

Talking about it is one thing.

Putting it into practice - especially in the business world - is another.

That's why a program rolled out this week by the county is so important.

It offers women in longterm recovery - who in the process of defeating the demons that knocked them down - another shot at gainful employment.

We talk about it on today's editorial page.
