Fall-ing into a cold fact: Summer's over

I make a pact with myself every fall.

It's my way of clinging to summer, even as I now drive home in the dark each night.

I make a promise to myself that I will not don a coat until Thanksgiving.

Yes, that made for a chilly start this morning.

Brace yourself.

It's not chilly out, at least not to me. It's cold.

Hey, it could have been worse. At least there was only a hint of frost on the windshield this morning. But the second my bottom hit that seat in the car, I knew summer was over.

I may be crazy, but I'm not a fool. I opted against the coat, but I did crank up the heat in the car.

Technology is a two-edged sword. For the most part, I disdain all this technology we swim in.

And so I was less than thrilled as I pulled out of the drive way by that little 'dinging' sound emanating from the dashboard that also flashes the warning light that there could be slick patches on the road. That happens when the temperatures hits 39 degrees.


Where's my coat?
