'The Five People You Meet in Wawa'

Everybody has a Wawa story.

For me, it's two seemingly opposing behaviors.

The parking lots at Wawas - especially the new super Wawas with gas pumps - just might be the most dangerous places in the region.

Navigating in and out of the parking lot takes a certain finesse, skill - and a lot of patience.

Finger salutes are not encouraged.

And yet, while voices - and horns - often are raised, we then promptly take part in another Wawa tradition. We routinely hold the door for those coming and going as we walk into our favorite convenience store.

We're pretty parochial when it comes to Wawa. After all, they were born right here in Delaware County, based on a farm in Chester Heights and with their very first store on MacDade Boulevard in Ridley.

Now local comedian Nick Kupsey has gathered some of the characters we all know so well into an e-book.

It's called "The Five People You Meet In Wawa."

No names here, but I think you will recognize every one of these people.

At just 40 pages, it is just like your favorite Wawa sandwich - a Shorti!

You can get all the details here.
