Today, of all days, a plea for civil conversation

I wrote last week about taking a more civil tone in our social conversation.

That means for all you who post comments on our website, who respond on Twitter and who take to Facebook to engage in a dialog with me, the humble editor of your local newspaper.

But on this day - of all days - coming after the week we just endured, I find the task looming larger than ever.

I have written many times in the past year of my single hope for President Donald Trump, that he simply act presidential.

I know we are not going to agree in policy. That's OK. It's healthy and part of the process.

But what we endured last week was not.

It was ugly, base, representing the worst of us.

That is why, on this day, I appeal to our better angels.

And I use some of the words of the man whose ideals we celebrate today.

It's in my weekly Letter From the Editor.
