Young voices sparking change

This is beginning to feel different.

And it's the voices of young people who are making it so.

In an extraordinary hour, victims of the Parkland, Fla., high school shooting sat with President Trump yesterday and talked about their experience in the wake of the nation's latest mass school shooting.

They told him they wanted action on gun laws.

The reverberations rang out across the nation.

Back in Florida, their fellow classmates were storming the Legislature, which just the day before had rejected a new push for tougher gun laws.

Here at home, Upper Darby top cop Mike Chitwood was making headlines with his call for putting guns into some classrooms, having volunteer teachers and staff trained to carry concealed weapons.

It's an idea the president would push later in the day.

But make no mistake, it is the young people who are pushing this movement.

They are a throwback to their grandparents in the 1960's.

It's on our editorial page.
