Race-ing for answers in wake of Roseanne

So what have we learned in the wake of the Roseanne debacle.

I mean, other than it's always a good idea to take a deep breath and ask yourself, 'Do I really want to do this?' - before hitting that send button.

The target of that racist tweet from the star of the top-rated TV show had an interesting reaction. Valerie Jarrett, a former top aide to President Obama, said she believes the incident could provide a "teaching moment."

I think she's right.

What is has taught us is that this country has issues with race.

I started talking about it in yesterday's blog.

I continue it on today's editorial page in print.

If the reaction on social media is any indication, a lot of people have opinions on this issue.

That's a good thing. We need to talk about it. I don't have the answer, but I do have a forum to encourage discussion.

What I do not need is the name-calling and threats that inevitably accompany such conversations.

Leave the 'Internet Muscles' at home, folks.
