Here's to a lot more good news

It's Friday the 13th.

I've never been much for superstitions.

I don't have any good luck charms.

Hey, I work in the newspaper industry. We could use all the good luck we can get. My guess is the bad luck will continue, however.

So instead let's focus today on good things.

A few weeks ago I started posting something I call Today's Upper: A Slice of Good News to Start the Day.

Every morning I post an item on my Twitter and Facebook accounts tied to that day in history.

It has proved wildly popular.

I guess people are just as hungry as I am for a little bit of good news.

Speaking of hungry, did you know that today is National French Fry Day.

I happen to be a French Fry addict.

I can eat them all day. I think it has something to do with potatoes. I can go through a large bag of chips without blinking an eye. Of course, I'm partial to Herr's, in deference to my old high school buddy, Ed Herr. Yeah, I went to high school with the guy up there on the billboards.

When it comes to French Fries, I'm not exactly a connoisseur. Lean toward McDonald's. Heavy on the salt.

But they are not my favorite.

That distinction falls to one specific spot, in one of my favorite places on Earth.

That would be Thrasher's on the Boardwalk in Rehoboth Beach, Del.

Heavy on the vinegar.

OK, now raise your hand if you're like me and always snag a few that have fallen on the counter. My wife and kids are always horrified. Then again, they're horrified at a lot of things I do. Remind me sometime to tell you about another Heron tradition, the old creamers in the eyes trick. I don't enter a diner without doing it.

At any rate, we can use all the good news we can get these days.

By the way, do you remember Live Aid, the charity concert held concurrently at Wembley Stadium and the old JFK Stadium in Philly. It also took place on this day, July 13, 1985. Tell me it was not that long ago.

A salute to my old pal Len LaBarth, who spent the day there writing a slew of stories while I worked the desk back in Primos. And ace photographer Paula Doyle supplied the photos.

Those were the days.
