2 sure signs of late-summer ecstasy

Summer ain't over yet.

I was remin
The first occurred when I got home last night.

I darted into the house, greeted my wife (who was still recovering from her first day back at her job as a special education aide - still don't who ever thought going back to school before Labor Day was a good idea), then immediately darted up the steps to shed my clothes.

Don't worry, my wife was not hot on my trail. She knows me too well. She knew what I was up to.

I tossed on my favorite pair of old knock-around shorts, my Colorado Buffaloes T-shirt, then bounded back down the steps, grabbed the paper and a cold beverage, and headed for the deck.

That's right. I was ready to immerse myself on what to me was a perfect summer night - dripping hot, with air so thick you could chew on it.

My wife looked out at me from inside her air-conditioned abode and smiled knowingly.

My kids, who no longer live at home, actually used to press their little noses up against the windows to check on me when they were little. I think they worried about me out there in the heat. No need. I love it. The hotter the better. And it sounds like I'll get at least two more nights on the deck, just me, the cicadas, a newspaper, cold drink and the Phillies on the radio. It doesn't get much better than that.

So what was the second siren song of summer?

That one happened this morning as I was driving into work.

If you thought my devotion to hot, muggy weather was weird, you're going to love this one.

It struck me as I made my way along Rose Valley Road not far from the office.

With the windows down in the warm, humid, pre-dawn darkness, a rather distinct smell enveloped the car.

I could not resist a smile.

There was only one thing it could be:


Yes, I happen to enjoy that potent scent left behind by those black and white critters.

I'm not really sure why it gets such a bad rap.

It always reminds me of summer, my favorite time of the year.

Now if I could just find one to visit the back yard, I'll be in business.

By the way, my condolences to the kids in Upper Darby and Ridley.v Summer's over for them. School starts today.

Did you notice that the kids in Philadelphia are having an early dismissal today and tomorrow. This comes one day after reporting for the first day of classes yesterday.

I will refrain from a lecture on how by beloved grade school, Assumption BVM in West Grove, did not have air-conditioning. I can still remember the words of wisdom from the nuns as we trudged back to our desks after a brisk recess that left us overheated, our tongues dragging.

The nuns, who of course never showed a bead of sweat on the hottest day despite wearing those full, long habits, simply reminded us that if we sat still we would feel real cooler.

Maybe that's where I learned to love the heat.
