More on the great newspaper debate

One of the roles of the newspaper is to serve as what we sometimes refer to as a "marketplace of ideas."

That's why we have editorial and op-ed pages where we post our opinions and welcome the public to offer theirs as well.

I always tell people that I have "an" opinion. Not necessarily "the" opinion.

Of course, people might say I have a little bigger megaphone, since I am the editor of the newspaper.

But as we move increasingly into an online world, that platform is being challenged by the voices of the public, who now have more options than ever to voice their views - and react to ours.

The truth is that every person with a smartphone now can act as their own publisher. They can post on Twitter and Facebook. And they can react to what we write the same way.

We also offer readers the ability to comment directly on every story we publish on

I was reminded just how robust that discussion can be when the flood gates opened after we posted yesterday's editorial where we joined more than 350 newspapers across the country in responding to President Donald Trump's characterization of the media as the "enemy of the people."

I also appeared on Dom Giordano's Big Talker-WPHT 1210 AM talk show to discuss the issue.

Immediately after my radio spot, I received several emails from people who said they had heard me and I only reconfirmed their beliefs that I and the newspaper have an inherent liberal bias.

I welcome the discussion.

No, I didn't enjoy some of the name-calling. But that seems to go with the job these days.

The posting on received more than 150 comments on its own.

One reader actually castigated me because I don't live in Delaware County. I'm not going to deny it. It's true. I have never lived in Delco. I don't necessarily think that really has en effect on my job, but clearly this reader did.

There is one difference, however, that separates what I do from much of what was heaved in my direction yesterday. And I think it's an important one.

You will never see me post or print anything that does not carry my name and picture beside it.

Much of what is aimed at me these days is anonymous, snugly veiled in the shelter of the online world.

Again, I can take it.

And again, I make the same offer I always do. If you don't agree with what appears on our editorial or op-ed pages, pick up a pen, your phone, and laptop and offer your version, and I will be more than happy to run it in the paper and post on

Oh, just one other thing. Make sure you include your name and town.
