We are not the enemy of the people

Today this newspaper takes a stand with more than 350 newspapers across the country with a simple message: We are not the enemy of the people.

It is one that we hope our readers - and our elected leaders - take to heart.

These are tough times in the newspaper industry. We are assailed by economic setbacks, slashed budgets - and staff.

But our mission remains the same: We continue to serve an essential function, that of watchdog, the eyes and ears of the public when it comes to the public's business.

It is not always a real popular job.

But is forms the backbone of our democracy, creating an informed citizenry who can then form their open opinions based on knowledge

We are not fake news.

And we are most certainly not the "enemy of the people."

You can read our editorial here.


Anonymous said…
Thank you for your stand. Read the Delco Times everyday.