America in 2018 - the perils of making observations on social media

This is America in 2018.

One of the things I get to do is make comments on what is going on around us. Sometimes it's sports. Other days it's entertainment. Some days it's just random thought.

To combat the onslaught of negative news, I've even started a new daily item that has proved wildly popular that I call "Today's Upper! A slice of good news to start your day."

But most of the time I talk about news.

Which is why I posted an item early Monday that had been on my mind all weekend.

It struck me as ironic that at the same time we were bracing for the sentencing of one-time American icon Bill Cosby on sex assault charges, we were also debating a claim of inappropriate behavior on the part of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

I was not looking to make a political point.

I brought no bias or point of view to the discussion.

I merely wondered if anyone thought at the time back in April when Cosby was convicted and his sentencing date set, that it would coincide with the national debate over Judge Kavanaugh.

You can guess what happened next.

My Twitter and Facebook pages exploded, mostly with people taking me to task for joining the legions trying to block Kavanaugh's nomination.

As usual, they insisted I was making a political point.

They noted that Cosby had been convicted in this case and had been accused by scores of women.

Most clearly do not believe the allegations being lodged against Kavanaugh.

Maybe I should stick to sports.

Then again, being as how I'm now a perfect 0-3 in my Dreaded Saturday Eagles pick, that might not be a great idea either. Here's a thought folks: Not everything is political.

Not everything has to have an inherent bias, or a tilted point of view.

Cosby was whisked off to jail Tuesday afternoon.

Kavanaugh will appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee - along with his accuser - to provide further testimony.

I will be accused of being in the tank for those looking to take Kavanaugh down.

Oh, and the sun will rise in the east and set in the west, just in case you were wondering.
