And the race to November is on

Yep, Labor Day must be behind us?

How can I tell?

It doesn't have anything to do with it getting cooler. Or the fact that it's getting darker a lot earlier.

It's not even the annual threat from a hurricane, even as Florence rumbles toward the Carolina coast.

No, the surest sign that Labor Day is in the rear-view mirror is that politicians are coming out of the woodwork.

In case you hadn't realized it, every state representative and half of the state Senate will be running for re-election on the November ballot.v Maybe that's why I'm being bombarded with the pros and cons of the Mariner East 2 pipeline, and who supported what and when and who got money from whom.

Or that #MeToo legislation that seems to be going nowhere fast in Harrisburg. That sparked a hearing and a lot of folks taking sides.

This week even Delaware County Council got in the act. Today's front page details a three-hours-plus County Council meeting yesterday where the two new Democrats on the council jousted with their Republican colleagues over campaign contributions and how they tie into county contracts.

Buckle your seat belts, folks.

The general election is Nov. 6.

It's going to be a bumpy ride.
