Forget Johnny Cash.

Today's I'm the Man in Black.


Do you really have to ask?

Today is the last full day of summer.

According to the calendar, Fall arrives tomorrow.

Wasn't it just yesterday that I fired up the grill on Memorial Day.

Actually, it was my kind of summer, hot and humid, even if a little too wet for my taste.

The word of the summer? That one's easy.


I have no idea what it is, I just know I've been beaten over the head with it all summer by our friendly local weather folks. Why do I get the distinct impression this is merely the summer version of the 'wind-chill' factor. All meant to scare us to death instead of just telling us the weather.

Real-feel temperature? I'll pass, thank you.

I will once again endeavor to hold true to what has become something of a tradition for me. I will hold up putting on a coat until Thanksgiving.

Yes, the ride into the office gets a bit chilly at time.

Surely there's a beach somewhere with my name on it.
