The Trump Show rolls on

I guess you can call it a double-feature.

First there was the spectacle of a President Donald Trump in his element - mostly talking about himself.

Look, no one is ever going to confuse me with a Trump fan.

But I'll give him this. That 81 minutes he spent in front of the cameras at the U.N. late Wednesday afternoon - with the president in full Trump mode, blustering, bellowing, belligerent - was compelling TV.

And radio.

I caught the end of it as I drove home last night.

It was spellbinding.

I'm not sure it was especially presidential, but, and perhaps not surprising for the ultimate showman and former reality TV show host - it was "must watch" and "must hear" stuff.

I gave up on Trump acting presidential a while back. But even for him, this was a wild ride.

He again torched the "fake news," at the same time letting it be pretty clear it loves the attention, even from the "failing" New York Times.

He scorched Democrats for their attacks on his Supreme Court nominee as a "con job."

The problem is I'm not sure how much of it was accurate, or wildly off the mark.

One thing I know - it was wild.

Hell, I even found myself agreeing with him on a few things, such as trade and having other countries pay their fair share instead of allowing the U.S. to bankroll everything.

The second half of this double-header arrives this morning when Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, and the first of several women to accuse him of inappropriate behavior decades ago when they were in high school, both appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

So compelling is this showdown expected to be that the president indicated he may delay his much-anticipated sit-down with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein so as to not the any of the focus off the hearing.

One thing that came out of all that bluster from the president yesterday was that he made clear it is possible he could change his mind after hearing from Christine Blasey Ford and perhaps pull the nomination.

One thing is sure: It will be spell-binding.

Get your popcorn ready.
