A beautiful Hunter's Moon

They call it the 'Hunter's Moon.'

If, like me, you are an early riser and leave the house while it is still dark out you know what I mean.

It wasn't exactly dark when I opened the front door this morning.

Instead, it was an eerie almost dusk-like condition as a brilliant moon shone down on the neighborhood.

It gets its name from the notion that this fall moon always allowed hunters the opportunity to find their targets and secure enough supplies to get them through the coming winter.

Hunter’s Moon is the next full moon after the Harvest Moon - the full moon nearest the autumn equinox.

It also offers farmers a little more light to gather their crops as the daylight hours get shorter.

Look, I'm not fan of cold weather. I don't even want to think about winter.

It's even harder to crawl out of bed once the temperatures start to dip.

I'm a summer guy.

But even I can admire the power of nature and the 'Hunter's Moon.'
