A great story out of Chester

I have a confession to make.

I'm biased.

Just not in the way I'm sure many of you think.

I'm not talking about Democrats vs. Republicans. Or liberals vs. conservatives.

I don't think I'm going to change anyone's mind on that. Republicans will continue to claim we tilt to the left, intent on continuing to knock them off their increasingly perilous perch in county government. Democrats will probably continue to consider us the house organ of the Delco Republican Party.

The midterms are just weeks away. I can hardly wait.

This is about something more important than any of that.

It's a deep, personal bias that I will reveal here for the first time.

I have a bias when it comes to the city of Chester.

I go out of my way to find good, positive stories coming out of the city.

That is because I know that a lot of people are convinced that one of Chester's biggest problems is its image, one that many believe is unfairly maligned seemingly every other day by the way it is represented in the pages of this county's daily newspaper.

I will tell you there is some truth to their claim. Crime happens to be news. And crime happens in Chester, just as it happens in every other town in the county.

We don't treat crime any differently when it happens in Chester.

But I will admit I am careful of how the city is being presented.

Which brings my to my mission about positive stories in the city.

Meet Tiffany Gosa-Flamer.

She's a teacher at the Chester Charter School for the Arts.

She also just happens to be the 2018 spokesperson for Ashley Stewart.

Gosa-Flamer won the honor at a recent contest in New York City after advancing through the regional rounds.

It's a terrific story, one that we used two full pages in the Saturday paper along with six photos to detail.

Yes, there are good things and good people in Chester.

Tiffany Gosa-Flamer is one of the best.
