Another 'presidential' performance

I guess he just couldn't resist.

For the most part, President Trump had been fairly measured in response to the allegations raised by Christine Blasey Ford against his choice for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh.

Ford has alleged a drunken Kavanaugh pinned her on a bed, covered her mouth and assaulted her back in their high school days. She believed he was going to rape her.

Trump last week was measured - for him - in his response, saying she appeared credible and that her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee was powerful, while making clear he was standing by his candidate.

On Friday he ordered the FBI to reopen its investigation of Ford's claims after Republican Sen. Jeff Flake painted his GOP counterparts into a corner by saying he would vote to advance the nomination out onto the full Senate floor on the condition that the FBI investigate the new allegations.

Last night, Trump took off the gloves against Ford.

At one of his trademark campaign rallies in Southaven, Miss., in front of passionate Trump zealots, the president mocked Ford's allegation of sexual abuse.

"How did you get home? 'I don't remember,'" Trump told the roaring crowd, eliciting laughs from the faithful. "How did you get there? 'I don't remember.' Where is the place? 'I don't remember.' How many years ago was it? 'I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.'"

That stands in stark contrast with his previous testimony of Ford being a "very credible witness."

Ford's lawyer Michael Bromwich responded, calling Trump's attack "vicious, vile and soulless."

I have already written this week that I found Ford's testimony credible and compelling.

That doesn't mean what she is alleging actually happened. At least so far as Kavanaugh is concerned.

The truth is I don't know what happened.

I do know this. No one who is claiming sexual harassment should be mocked and degraded, let alone by the president of the United States.

I have asked exactly one thing of a president I clearly do not agree with. I would like to at least act presidential. I am still waiting.

And after last night, I am only that much more disgusted. And just in case you think I am tilting the paper's coverage once again against Trump and Kavanaugh, I would suggest you first read our Wednesday columnist Chris Freind's take on the entire affair.

Chris does not mince words in eviscerating what he sees as a Dem plot to bring Kavanaugh down and block Trump's attempt to stack the court with another conservative voice.

I do not agree with everything Chris says in his column. Far from it.

That does not mean I don't run it, which I'm sure comes as a surprise to some folks on both sides of the aisle.

In the meantime, the debate goes on.

Feel free to join in.

I don't censor opposing views.

And I can barely stomach many more ugly presidential performances of the ilk that President Trump rolled out last night.
