That didn't take long

We have to be better than this.

Don't we?

That was my sentiment when I started writing today's editorial yesterday.v In the wake of a string of suspicious devices that had been delivered to a series of high-profile, I was ready to call off the dogs.

And for a while I thought our leaders might be with me.

What was I thinking.

It didn't take long for fingers to start being pointed.

I don't know what the answer is at this point.

I know what the answer isn't.

These are the first comments posted on the editorial after it appeared on our website,

"Phil, you are a lying, dishonest, unethical, hypocritical liberal creep."

C'mom, how do you really feel?

"Well Phil, you can change the world by changing your actions."

"He is so full of BS."

"The Delco Times can do their part by stopping the biased left wing and fake news coverage."

Brace yourself. I get the feeling this is going to be a very bumpy ride for the next week as the nation careens toward perhaps the most important mid-term election in history.
