Homes for the Holidays: Time to get imbued

It's that time of year.

Once again this year, the Daily Times will feature a house all decked out in its holiday best in our special Page 2 photo slot. We call this little item 'Homes for the Holidays.'

And we invite you to join us in spreading a little bit of holiday cheer.

There are a couple of ground rules.

First, we will run one photo every day from now until Jan. 6, the traditional end of the holiday season.

By my count, that gives us 42 days. If past years are any indication, I will get many more pictures than we can actually use. We will try to feature homes from all parts of the county. Ones that don't make it into print will be featured in an online gallery.

This is not a contest. We are not looking for the "best" holiday home. Nor the most expensive.

We are merely looking to add a little holiday cheer in what on many days can be an overwhelmingly negative flow of news.

If you have a home you'd like to see featured in Homes for the Holidays, please email the photo to Please include your name and address.

And one more tip. Look at that space on Page Two. Horizontal images work best. Please turn your iPhone sideways.

As my daughter is fond of saying, it's time to get "imbued."
