It's winter. It snows. And it gets cold

I am happy to report that - at least right now - there is nothing on the roads but lots of brine.

Why do I get the feeling that the ride home tonight is not going to be nearly as boring.

Well, for one thing, we're going to be reminded about a million times by our friends on TV that is in fact winter.

And it sometimes snows during the winter months.

And it also gets cold.

I'm not sure, but I don't think that exactly qualifies as breaking news.

That's what we're looking at today. In fact the next few days looks like a mess.

This will all start this afternoon, likely as rain here in the Philly suburbs.

Eventually, it will change over to wet snow and then all snow tonight. We're expecting 1-3 inches.

But you won't have to go too far north to see more snow - maybe a lot more.

Allentown schools already made the decision to close today in advance of the storm.

The ride home tonight will likely be messy but not that big a hassle.

Tomorrow morning you likely will have to brush off the car.

The big story for tomorrow and Thursday will be the plunge in temperatures. By Thursday we will have temps in the single digits.

You can get the full forecast here.

Remember, it's winter.

You heard it here first.
