Laughter really is the best medicine

Someone once said laughter is the best medicine.

They were right.

I've come to the realization I don't laugh nearly as much as I used to. I hope that is not another sign of aging. I've got plenty of those already.

I noticed this because this morning I did something I don't do nearly enough. I laughed out loud. In the car. By myself.

For this I can thank my early-morning buddy, Big Daddy Graham, and his guest this morning, comedian Jay Black (seen in the photo)

I listen to Graham's show religiously on my drive into the office, switching furiously back and forth between WIP and KYW Newsradio, although I have to admit I'm spending more time these days on WIP since KYW started fiddling with its format. But that's another column.

One of the things I love about Big Daddy's show is the segment where he goes over who was born on this particular date and other notable things that occurred on this day.

This morning he noted that today, Jan. 29, marked the very first seeing eye dog put into use for disabled people.

Both Big Daddy and Jay Black were marveling at the ability to train dogs to perform this invaluable service for the blind.

To which Black calmly quipped: I can't train my dog to pee outside.

Which caused me to blurt out a full gusto belly laugh.

Felt pretty good.

Thanks, guys.
