Well, at least they got the cold part right

Well, it is cold out. They got that much right.

Snow? Uh, not so much.

Yes, I realize that some areas in the infamous "northern and western" suburbs got some snow.

But I could have swore I heard a call for 1-3 inches of snow along the I-95 corridor, and another white-knuckle ride home during last night's evening rush.

Didn't happen.

Here in Delco it does not look like we got any snow at all, aside from a few flakes.

I know the weather is an inexact science. So why not just tell us that. They really don't know what the hell the weather is going to do. Instead they will all tell us they were right about the variety of different conditions we faced.

I wish I had that kind of flexibility in my job.

I don't. When I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and everyone knows it.

So brace yourself now for a full day of scaring us all to death about how cold it's going to be.

Yes, there are very dangerous conditions being experienced in the Midwest.

But here? Single digits? It is winter, isn't it. And it's cold. That's not really news.

Instead, we'll hear all about the polar vortex, let alone the wind chill and don't forget the "real-feel" temperature.

How about you just tell me the temperature. I don't need the wind-chill and real-feel.

It feels real cold.

How about that?

Get the full forecast here.

How many days until pitchers and catchers?
