The hidden cost to citizens in the fiscal woes of journalism

It's not exactly news that these are tough times for the newspaper industry.

Perhaps that would be better stated as the media industry in general.

That's becase the most recent cuts in an industry bleeding jobs came in an area that many once believed would be the industry's savior. Those would be online outlets, such as Buzzfeed and the Huffington Post.

Make no mistake. There is a danger in the continued decline of journalism.

And that is most perceptible on the local level, and your community newspaper.

The traditional role of the local newspaper is that of watchdog, keeping tabs on governing bodies, such as your local school board, township, borough or county government.

We watch where the money goes - and who gets it.

With fewer and fewer reporters - and media outlets - that becomes an ever harder proposition.

And what do you think happens when no one is watching.

Yes, the opportunity for problems grows.

We talk about it on today's editorial page.
