Because he can

They have become my three favorite words:

Because he can.

I find more and more you can use them to answer just about every mystery of life.

How can Donald Trump possibly get away with the stuff he does, without anything seeming to stick to him? Because he can.

How can local TV stations affect business and the local economy with these ridiculous forecasts that consistently fail to pan out? Because they can.

How can these sports owners get away with charging people $40 to park? Because he can.

And, of course, how can an athlete possibly be paid $330 million to play baseball?

Because he can.

I love the way we toss numbers around these days. After awhile it adds up to real money.

I think John Middleton was right.

It really is stupid money. But don't think for a moment that some of it is not coming out of your pocket. It is, in TV contracts, ticket prices, concessions, and all those No. 3 jerseys that are now flying off shelves.

How can baseball and other sports demand such massive TV deals?

Because they can.

I played baseball from sun up to sun down when I was kid. I loved the game. Still do. But nobody ever paid me a dime. You know why? Because I couldn't.

I couldn't command it.

Bryce Harper can.

I hope he's worth every penny of it.

I'll be cheering for him - more than likely from my back deck, with the radio on. No one charges me $40 to park there.

I like the game better on the radio. Or, as my father taught me a long time ago, "I can see the game better on the radio."

You know why?

Because I can.


Bill Rettew said…
Three words: Hope Springs eternal