Bring on Daylight Savings!

Consider this your first warning.

Something very important happens this weekend.

No, not the Phillies' debut of Bryce Harper. Sure everyone will be riveted to the $300 Million Man's first appearance in a Phils' Grapefruit League game, but I'm actually referring to something that will happen several hours later.

At 2 a.m. to be precise.

That's when we will move the clocks forward one hour, returning to Daylight Savings Time.

Count me in.

I'll gladly sacrifice an hour sleep for the privilege of that extra hour of daylight during the day. It means that for the first time in months, I actually will get to drive home in daylight. At least on most day.

There is actually a state representative who wants to abolish Daylight Savings Time, saying it's an anachronism that's no longer needed. You can read about his stance here.

Me? I like just the thought of daylight hanging in there until just past 9 o'clock. It reminds me of waiting for the skies to darken for July 4 fireworks shows to begin.

In other words, summer.

For now, Daylight Savings is one of the surest signs that spring is coming.

I realize we are supposed to get a dusting of snow this afternoon. But I could almost feel it when I walked out the door this morning. It did not feel nearly as cold as those last few bone-chilling days.

We will see gradual warming this weekend, pushing into the mid-50s Sunday.

You heard it here first. Winter's over.

Bring on spring.
