Seeing the light

It's not very often I look forward to Monday.

Today I make an exception.

Not for anything that I will do during the day.

But rather something I will do tonight.

Something I have not done in months.

I will drive home in glorious daylight.

Yes, we have returned to Daylight Saving Time. That means sunset will take place tonight at 7:04. Unless something catastrophic happpens - and in this racket you never know - I should be safely ensconced back in the driveway at home by then.

It's always a little amazing to see things you have not noticed in the last few months, making the exact same drive to and from work in the dark. Suddenly you realize how things have changed, some little, some not so little.

You see the house that has been painted a completely different color.

You notice the trees that have fallen victim to storms.

You notice businesses that have closed up shop. And new businesses that have sprung up in their place.

I noticed the change as soon as I walked out the door this morning. It was 20 degrees warmer than this time last week.

The sun is expected to return this afternoon.

Yes, it means it will remain dark an hour longer in the morning, but I'll be selfish on this point. I'm already in the office so it doesn't really matter to me what time it gets light. If I still had kids trying to get off to school, I might feel differently.

For now, I will exalt in the knowledge that spring is not far off.

They're already forecasting a high pushing into the mid 60s by the end of the week.

Pass the sunscreen.
