Another hit for 'God Bless America'

It's been a tough couple of weeks for 'God Bless America.'

First the popular patriotic song - and the woman who made it famous, Kate Smith - got the boot from the Flyers after questions were raised about questionable, racist lyrics in some songs she performed back in the 1930s.

Now it's Sabold Elementary School in Springfield. The school had a long tradition of having students say 'God Bless America' each morning after reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to start the day.

Not anymore.

Apparently at least one parent objected and notified the Freedom from Religion Foundation, which then let the school district know that they think the phrase violated a portion of the First Amendment.

That was enough for the school district. They will now discontinue the practice.

Kate Smith's statue was first covered in a shroud and then removed from its perch at the South Philly sports complex. The Flyers said they would no longer use 'God Bless America' for inspiration.

Now the phrase 'God Bless America' is being dropped in Springfield.

You can get all the details here.

Let me be the first to predict where this is going to go.

Let the debate begin.
