Bring on summer!

Is there anything better than going to bed with the windows wide open, lying in a dark room, listening to the birds chirping outside?

Summer arrived a few weeks early this weekend.

Count me in.

I tried to spend as much time outside as I could this weekend, stealing every second I was not performing my daily ritual - staring for hours at my laptop.

I bookend summer days. I like to start the day with the newspaper and a steaming mug of coffee on the deck, and end it lying in bed listening to the birds outside.

In between, you can catch me at several spots I have staked out in the yard with my trust portable radio, listening to the Phillies, delighting to the antics of Larry Anderson and Scott Franzke.

One thing I unfortunately did not account for. The antibiotic I am taking makes me especially susceptible to the sun. So today I am sporting sunburned knees and arms.

Yes, I said sunburned knees.

Who knew?

The truth is I'm not supposed to be in the sun.

I cheat. And I don't care.

This weekend, for the first time, it actually felt like summer.

Bring it on.
